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A grunt plugin for automating PhoneGap application development tasks.

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Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2 and supports PhoneGap API ~3.3.0-0.19.6.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

$ npm install phonegrunt --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "PhoneGrunt" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named phonegrunt to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().


    phonegrunt: {

        /* Global task options */
        options: {
            // Mobile app install path, PhoneGap, and Cordova binary paths go here.

        /* Global initialization configuration. */
        init: {
            // Mobile application title, package name, and target mobile operating systems are defined here.

        /* Global build configuration. */
        build: {
            local: {
                // Local environment build configuration like plugins to install/uninstall go here.

        /* Targets for multiple application development. (Optional.) If unspecified, application is installed in current directory. */
        your_first_target: {
            /* target-specific options override global options. */
            options: {},
            /* target-specific initialization configuration. */
            init: {},
            /* target-specific build configurations. */
            build: {}

        /* Multiple targets can be defined */
        another_target: {

Task Options


Type: String Default value: './node_modules/.bin/cordova'

Path to the Apache cordova binary.


Type: String Default value: './'

Mobile application source installation directory. Caution: Multiple targets will overwrite the same directory unless target-specific options.installDir is defined.


Type: String Default value: './node_modules/.bin/phonegap'

Path to the Adobe PhoneGap binary.

Initialization Configuration

Type: String Default value: 'HelloPhonegap'

The PhoneGap mobile application's name.


Type: String Default value: 'com.example.hellophonegap'

PhoneGap application package namespace.


Type: Array Default value: []

Mobile operating systems to install support for. Eg: ["android","ios"] See PhoneGap's platform guides documentation for additional information on supported operating systems and required development environment setup.


Type: Array Default value: []

Mobile operating systems to uninstall support for. Eg: ["firefoxos"]

Build Configuration

Currently, only local workflow task options are supported. Remote workflow is planned for a future release.


Type: Object

Configuration object for specifying whether cordova plugins should be added or removed from target build environment.


Type: Array Default value: []

Array of cordova plugins to add to the build. Eg: ["device","battery-status","camera"]


Type: Array Default value: []

Array of cordova plugins to remove from the build. Eg: ["geolocation"]

Usage Examples

Single-target build installed in same directory as Gruntfile.

In this example, android and ios support will be enabled for the target PhoneGap application, which will be created in the same directory as the Gruntfile. The native application class file will be namespaced to com.example.hellophonegap. Eg. The android application entry point will be located at ./platforms/android/src/com/example/hellophonegap/ (relative to the gruntfile). The build task will add the device, battery-status, and camera plugins while removing the geolocation plugin from the build.


    phonegrunt: {
        options: {
            cordovaBin: './node_modules/.bin/cordova',
            installDir: './',
            phonegapBin: './node_modules/.bin/phonegap'
        init: {
            name: 'HelloPhonegap',
            pkg: 'com.example.hellophonegap',
            install_os: ["android", "ios"],
            uninstall_os: []
        build: {
            local: {
                plugins: {
                    add: ["device","battery-status","camera"],
                    remove: ["geolocation"]

Multi-target build created in separate directories.

In this example, ios and android support will be enabled for the HelloPhonegap and GoodbyePhonegap targets respectively. IOS and Android mobile applications will be created in the ./hellophonegap and ./goodbyephonegap directories relative to the Gruntfile. No plugins will be installed for the GoodbyePhonegap target.


    phonegrunt: {
        options: {
            cordovaBin: './node_modules/.bin/cordova',
            phonegapBin: './node_modules/.bin/phonegap'
        HelloPhonegap: {
            options: {
                installDir: './hellophonegap',
            init: {
                name: 'HelloPhonegap',
                pkg: 'com.example.hellophonegap',
                install_os: ["ios"],
                uninstall_os: []
            build: {
                local: {
                    plugins: {
                        add: ["device","battery-status","camera"],
                        remove: ["geolocation"]
        GoodbyePhonegap: {
            options: {
                installDir: './goodbyephonegap',
            init: {
                name: 'GoodbyePhonegap',
                pkg: 'com.example.goodbyephonegap',
                install_os: ["android"],
                uninstall_os: []

To simply update plugin requirements for your application without performing init tasks, using the example above one can run:

$ grunt phonegrunt:HelloPhonegap:build


Please report any issues here and feel absolutely welcome to fork and submit pull requests.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)